Tips For Buying New Homes

Buying a home, particularly a new home, is a big deal for any first time home buyer. Brand New Build Bellmere - First Home Buyers Move-in Ready

The most significant advantage of buying a new home is that you get to pick your location

First Home Buyer

Of course, there can be downsides to buying new homes, especially if you decide to go the old traditional way. That method is to buy a block of land then look at what seems like 100 display homes and then have someone custom-design a version to suit your block.

Some builders will quote you with the basic of the basic version. With many things left unquoted or as a basic scope of supply or basic version of a product. Everything else is extra. These extras can amount to 10’s of thousands of dollars. With these contracts, the final price is sometimes not known until long after you have signed the contract for the house build.

Others with supply you with a fixed price contract but the scope of inclusions is basic. These often involve two contracts, land and building, with payments throughout the build process.

Tips for Buying

You pay the full price before you can even move into it, All while paying rent somewhere else. Furthermore, hoping the builder completes the house on time, on budget and does not go broke.

There usually is a massive set of contract conditions that go with this traditional method

Extra New Build Queensland way

However, there is now a new way, its called the Extra New Build Queensland way. Where you know exactly what you are getting, and the day you pay for it, you can move in. Moreover, the most significant advantage is other than a small deposit its one payment at move-in time. You do not get to choose which brand and style of every fitting and fixture, as these decisions have already been made for you.

Nevertheless, really do you need to decide which style and model toilet roll holder is in the bathroom. You want it to hold a toilet roll. The builders choice range is the builders choice for a reason, generally its in stock, hence available when it needs to go in, easy to install, it works, will last, and is still covered by builders warranty.

The biggest challenge when buying a new home is finding the right home that meets your needs. These needs can include the needs now and the needs for you and your family going forward or balancing those needs to make the best purchase decision.

Extra New Build Queensland

The Extra New Build Queensland way of buying a first home simplifies things in houses are nearly finished when you sign a contract, so you can see what it will look like. Additionally, there are others around (different suburbs) so you can see the finished look and feel.

 The floor plans are designed to work for the block, giving you maximum floor space for the block size. Their location is always in a new development, with normal titling and road layouts so they will not be a battle axe or easement issues that will hinder you and make resale difficult.

A lot of first time home buyers find it very difficult to find the right location that they are interested in. It is much easier to look at what is available and see what is nearby.

If you plan and take your time looking around, you will be able to find a home that you can move into that fits your budget and features you’re looking for. However the choices frequently cause its problems. Too many choices, can an often delays decisions or causes I to throw their hands up in the air and put it in the too-hard basket.

The Extra New Build Queensland way gives you limited options, so makes decision time quick and easy.

When you do decide to buy a new home, there are also some things you want to remember. Too many choices are often the cause of delays and indecision. Property prices (and Land) will continue to rise so the earlier you can get started the better. The typical real estate agent is not the best person to talk to. New properties are a lot different from pre-loved (or abused) houses that have to be sold.

Talk to Extra Realty as we understand NEW build property.

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