Latest Property Reports

We have just started updating the property reports for the local area. If you would like a property report for your property then please email us for an obligation free report.

Our latest property reports are available at

These property reports show the suburb and how the prices have moved in that suburb. Off course there are always pockets within suburbs that do the opposite to the rest of the suburb or jump further. This is why you should ask for a property-specific report.

property appraisals Request a Brisbane North side Property Report,
Property Values in Petrie are Rising – taking other surrounding suburbs with them.

There are always real estate agents that work for the seller. These agents just want to make a sale so will beat the seller down till they accept the offer. Their interest is commission only, in the fastest and easiest time. Recently I have seen an agent take the first offer (before the listing was made public, and from a family member). This resulted in the prices in that estate taking a $40k hit. Again working for the buyer.

In a complex that is in a booming suburb, where we hold records for the highest price on villas and units. I have seen an agent sell a better unit at the lowest price, just to get a commission. remember what I was told years ago. A suburb with a dominate agent usually undersells that suburb

These property reports cover Houses, Townhouses, Villas, Units and Duplex or Dual key properties

If you are looking for a new property then please get in contact with us as we have many new properties of different sizes, types and budgets available. SMSF is our specialty and Depreciation schedules are included.

If you are looking for an independent local agent that will work hard for you the seller then please get in contact with EXTRA REALTY

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