Winter is coming – now that it is getting cooler we spend more time indoors and turn up the heating.  Here are our top tips for staying warm over winter:-

Use your Curtains

Heat from the sun is Free so make the most of it.  Open your curtains and let the sunlight in during the day.  When it gets dark close your curtains, this will keep the warmth in your rooms.  When it is cold outside, close the curtains and this will keep the heat in.

Wrap up Warm

It is definately easier to warm yourself up rather than your whole house.  A woolly jumper and a cosy pair of slippers can save you money in heating your home.  Wrap yourself up in a warm blanket with a hot chocolate and you will enjoy winter.

Seal up Gaps and Cracks

Stop the cold air getting in during winter.  Seal up cracks and gaps using weather stripping around doors and windows.  Use gap filler for cracks in the walls and even a simple door snake for the bottom of the door will work.

Put Down a Rug

During winter you feel the cold more if you have floorboards or tiles in your home.  Rugs are perfect to keep your feet warm and this makes a huge difference, especially first thing in the mornings.  Decorate with a thick wool rug or even a trendy Sheepskin Rug.

Close the Doors

It sounds straight forward but often it is the simple solutions we forget.  When heating a room, close the door to keep the heat in.  This will increase your efficiency of your heating and will warm a small space rather than the entire house.


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